What To Expect When Dating A Single Dad
Дата публикации: 26.02.2024

What To Expect When Dating A Single Dad

Dating in your 30s and 40s brings a host of new kinds of men into your life, and one of the ones you may discover is that you’re falling for a single dad. Whether he’s divorced, widowed, or never married, he’s often the best kind of man. He has shown commitment, love for children, and has likely moved past the “I want to go out all night and play video games all day” phase we all hope passes most men by the age of Still, dating a single dad isn’t the same thing as dating your average, carefree man.

Broaden your horizons.

Becoming a single dad is a life changing event. Single dad of two, David, shares his experience as a single dad. From separation, to looking after your mental health and balancing work and childcare, David shares his tips for other single fathers. You can also read our page on action to take when a relationship ends for a practical guide through the things to do straight away, and the next steps to take. Situations may arise that you need some additional support to cope with.

You may also find it helpful to talk to other parents in a similar situation on our single parents forum or by joining a local group. Find out more here.

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