List B – Age-dating methods
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List B – Age-dating methods

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Ar-Ar dating results for the CG-Plag were reported by Bogard and Garrison (). Ar-Ar RESULTS Plagioclase The Ar-Ar age spectra for plagioclase separates of Zagami CG and FG phases are sh own in Fig. 1. Both samples show apparent Ar ages throughout the extractions that are.

Jump to navigation Jump to search Ultrapure argon glowing in a plasma lamp. Some of the problems of K-Ar dating can be avoided by the use of the related Ar-Ar dating method. In this article we shall explain how this method works and why it is superior to the K-Ar method. The reader should be thoroughly familiar with the K-Ar method, as explained in the previous article , before reading any further.

In the previous article I introduced you to 40K, an unstable isotope of potassium which produces the daughter isotope 40Ar by electron capture or beta plus decay. The Ar-Ar dating method relies crucially on the existence of two other isotopes. However, if you put it near the core of a nuclear reactor, so that it is bombarded by neutrons , then this will convert it into 39Ar. This isotope of argon is quite unstable, having a half-life of only years.

Consequently, the amount of it found in rocks is negligible — unless you subject them to an artificial neutron source. A crucial point to note is that because 39K and 40K are isotopes of the same element , they have the same chemical properties.

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