What to get someone you’re dating for their birthday
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What to get someone you’re dating for their birthday

We’ve all been there. You’re new beau’s birthday is coming up, but even with six dates under your belt, you barely know the guy — let alone where the relationship’s headed. Are you really expected to whip out the wrapping paper and ribbons?

These cute things to say to your boyfriend messages will not not only put a Keeping him happy means showing him how much he means to you every now and then. You will also find just the right words to speak to the guy who is starting to like. Get ideas for birthday greetings, love messages, congratulation notes, get.

He, whoever he is, has a birthday. When you have a birthday message for him, you want it to be special. Perhaps funny birthday wishes or cute birthday quotes will be on the printed card. But what about the part you sign? Make each of the men in your life know how special he is to you to you, by including a personal birthday message for him. All the wonderful men in your life are gifts to be celebrated. Be sure to let them know how you feel.

And now you can put it in writing! Brian P. Cleary is a senior writer-editor in the digital division of American Greetings. He started his life in greeting cards 35 years ago, and has written in verse and prose ranging from a prayer to a pun. All rights reserved.

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